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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2001-08-13  |  38KB  |  600x542  |  16-bit (795 colors)
Labels: book | crt screen | hakham | laptop | monitor | paper | person | plant | sky | table | tie | tv
OCR: We eat sleep, and breathe Microsoft technology, you T and breathe. Microsoft CERTIFIED Keeping with ehroioy 5.0 iob in itself rortal to face aione Luckily [Insert Company] 1ou don't hove We're Micsoft Certified Partner which mean to all thot is Logo Here Vicpsof We'n mipod bucked and icened b Micrsoft on all their softws and pluctorrns We pet about preducts iong lnsert compan state here befbre thev hit the moriet so we're the first ones o call when you woart therm Ard ne'me iocal so well alwys be the when you Coritact inser phone number] [insen URET noed us To find out how a jump on the 6tMicsof sechrologies acal or visit our Winib sit Contact